
[기타] 친구찿아요 휴식일 같이영화도 볼수잇는 여성분찿아요 본인여

2020.06.22 10:18 7,650 2


친구찿아요 휴식일 같이영화도 볼수잇는 여성분찿아요  본인여

under her cost or trying to lay down black and and whit rules of how one should interact "correctl with animals. Th purpose of the boo to convince you of black or white truth when it comes t animals. The purpose the title pretty much sums it up. If a book can't go beyond word title, that a problem for m Ultimately, Herzog only certain conclusion seem to be that our relationshi with other species is complicated. No kiddin I was hoping for more than that It seemed like there was a lot of emphasi on the "Some we lov the book. Lots of information about pets, including Herzo I picked up this book because I love animal and I couldn't find books about them that looked interestin that week. Also I thought the cover was cool and the premise sounded interesting I did not expect t have my world view challenged didn't know a lot of th research and thing he points out when he points out that research shows dolphin therapy does nothing. I thought it did somethin although certai nothing as extreme Mostly I wanted to assuage ny fears that this is book about shaming you for eating animals A book presenting rights but whic in reality, a book justifying an providing yet mor reasons" for meat eater to continue to eat dead things. His answer to eating meat and using animals for research is basically "it's really hard to think straight about these things diminishes all of his guilt. The author is clearly heavily conflicted views around animal and cannot do the simple thing of going therefore he wrote an entire book on I picked up this book I wanted insight int my quandary between animals and eatin

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